So you want to grab some awesome deals, while spending less than you ever have before?? Take a look at what's possible!
In the picture above, my total out of pocket was $3.59. It turned into a HUGE money maker as I got back a $10 Rite Aid gift card and $11 in +Up Rewards (Rite Aid cash that prints at the bottom of your receipt) dropping my total to a $17.41 money maker (meaning everything in the picture was essentially free and I made $17.41 towards future purchases)!!
Types of coupons:
- Manufacturer (these can be used at any store that accepts coupons)
- Store (these are store-specific coupons that can only be used at the store that issues them)
Where do you find all these coupons??
- Sunday newspaper (Redplum, SmartSource, Procter & Gamble, USA Weekend, Parade)
- Online (coupon websites -, manufacturer websites, Facebook)
- Magazines (All You, Parents, Parenting, etc.)
- Products (peelies, product packaging)
- In stores (blinkies, tear pads, catalina)
- Mailers (requested from online websites)
- Coupon clipping sites (, eBay)
OK...Now where in the world do I put them all?
What I find works best for me is a binder filled with baseball card inserts. I use this for any coupons that I actually clip. I say that because I don’t clip every coupon I come across in the newspaper inserts. As you’ll see below, since the coupons I’ll be needing for a sale are referenced by their source, I have a second binder filled with sheet protectors that I simply put the whole newspaper insert in. I also have a small expandable file that I take to the stores with me. I just find it easier to have everything ready to go and separated by store in that file. I keep any store coupons that I have received in this file too.
Say what??
Here are some of the most common abbreviations and terms you will hear throughout your couponing travels.
Coupon Insert Lingo:
- RP - RedPlum
- SS - SmartSource
- P&G - Proctor & Gamble
- GM - General Mills
- +UP - +UP Reward, Rite Aid
- VV - Video Values Coupon, Rite Aid
- SCR, Single Check Rebate, Rite Aid
- TQ - Target Coupon, Target
- ECB, Extra Care Bucks, CVS
- RR - Register Reward, Walgreens
- IVC - Instant Value Coupon, Walgreens
- $1/1 - One dollar off one item
- 10/$10 - Ten items for ten dollars
- B1G1 - Buy one item get one item... (can be FREE, 1/2 off, etc)
- B2G1 - Buy two items get one...
- Q - Coupon
- MQ - Manufacturer's coupon
- IP - Internet printable coupon
- GC - Gift card
- OOP - Out-of-pocket
- MM - Money-maker
- MIR - Mail-in rebate
- WYB - "when you buy"
- YMMV - "your mileage may vary"
- "stack" - using a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon together on the same item